Marlon Jose Gavlik MENDES1 Fátima Elisabeth DENARI2

RESUMO: A violência sexual direcionada a pessoas com deficiência faz parte das diversas situações de violência reportada às autoridades e atendidas por profissionais da saúde, da educação e da assistência social. Este assunto desperta interesse de pesquisadores e pesquisadoras nacionais de diversas áreas do conhecimento. O objetivo deste artigo foi investigar a produção científica brasileira dos últimos dez anos a respeito da violência sexual direcionada a pessoas com deficiência. O método utilizado foi o da revisão sistemática de literatura. A base de dados selecionada foi o portal de periódicos da Capes. Encontrou-se 26 artigos no período de 2009 e 2019. A maioria destes artigos contou com pesquisas de campo em notificações de atendimentos hospitalares oriundos de violência, sendo que poucos artigos analisaram a incidência de violência sexual contra pessoas com deficiência. Por mais que ajam significativas pesquisas na área, ainda há temáticas relativas à violência sexual contra pessoas com deficiência a ser pesquisadas.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Violência sexual. Pessoa com deficiência. Revisão sistemática de literatura. Sexualidade. Educação.

RESUMEN: La violencia sexual dirigida a personas con discapacidad es parte de las diversas situaciones de violencia denunciadas y atendidas por profesionales de la salud, de la educación y de la asistencia social. Este tema despierta el interés de investigadores nacionales de diferentes áreas del conocimiento. El objetivo deste artículo fue investigar la producción científica brasileña de los últimos 10 años en relación a la violencia sexual dirigida a personas con discapacidad. El método utilizado fue la revisión sistemática de literatura. La base de datos seleccionada fue el portal de articulos Capes. Se encontraron 26 artículos en el período de 2009 a 2019. La mayoría de estos artículos tenían investigaciones de campo sobre notificaciones de visitas al hospital relacionadas con la violencia, con pocos artículos que analizaban la incidencia de violência sexual contra personas con discapacidad.


1 Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR), São Carlos – SP – Brasil. Doutorando no Programa de Pós- Graduação em Educação Especial do Departamento de Psicologia. ORCID: 610X. E-mail:



2 Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR), São Carlos – SP – Brasil. Professora Adjunta no Departamento de Psicologia e Professora no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial. Doutorado em Metodologia do Ensino (UFSCAR). ORCID: E-mail:


Por mucho que haya una investigación significativa en el área, todavía hay cuestiones relacionadas con la violencia sexual contra las personas con discapacidad que deben investigarse.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Violencia sexual. Persona con discapacitad. Revisión sistemática de literatura. Sexualidad. Educación.

ABSTRACT: The sexual violence against people with disabilities are part of the various situations of violence reported to the authorities and attended by health, education, and social assistance professionals. This subject is part of the interest of national researchers from different areas of knowledge. The objective of this article was to investigate the Brazilian scientific production of the last 10 years regarding sexual violence against people with disabilities. The method used was the systematic literature review. The database selected was the Capes website. 26 articles were found in the period from 2009 to 2019. Most of these articles had field research on notifications of hospital visits related to violence, with only a few articles analyzing the incidence of sexual violence against people with disabilities. As much as there is significant research in the area, there are still issues related to sexual violence against people with disabilities to be researched.

KEYWORDS: Sexual violence. People with disabilities. Systematic literature review. Sexuality. Education.


A violência sexual direcionada a pessoas com deficiência (PcD) faz parte das diversas situações de violência reportada às autoridades e atendidas por profissionais da saúde, da educação e da assistência social. O trabalho contra a violência sexual é diverso, envolvendo mapeamento de casos, atendimento de vítimas e programas de prevenção às violências e de discussão sobre sexualidade e gênero em variados ambientes, como a família e a escola.

A violência sexual pode ser entendida como:

[...] qualquer ato sexual, tentativa de obter um ato sexual, comentários inapropriados ou avanços de natureza sexual, além do tráfico sexual, realizados sem consentimento ou usando de coerção, sendo realizada por qualquer pessoa, independentemente de sua relação com a vítima, em qualquer situação, incluindo, mas não se limitando, a casa e ao trabalho (OMS, 2002, p. 149, tradução nossa).3

Qualquer ato sexual que envolva coerção, intimidação, ameaças ou chantagens, podendo ou não envolver penetração, toques e exposição e que seja realizado sem o




3 [...] any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including but not limited to home and work (OMS, 2002, p. 149).


consentimento da outra pessoa é considerado um ato de violência sexual (OMS, 2002). A violência sexual contra crianças ou adolescentes é definida no contexto brasileiro como:

[...] todo ato ou jogo sexual com intenção de estimular sexualmente a criança ou o adolescente, visando utilizá-lo para obter satisfação sexual [...]. Pode ocorrer em uma variedade de situações como: estupro, incesto, assédio sexual, exploração sexual comercial, pornografia, pedofilia, manipulação de genitália, mamas e ânus, até o ato sexual com penetração, imposição de intimidades, exibicionismo, jogos sexuais e práticas eróticas não consentidas e impostas e “voyeurismo” (BRASIL, 2010, p. 29-30).

Dentro dos tipos de violência sexual, é comum encontrar incidência de exploração sexual e de estupro contra crianças e adolescentes. Exploração sexual, de acordo com o Fundo de População das Nações Unidas (UNFPA, 2018b), é o envolvimento forçado de crianças e adolescentes em atividades sexuais de prostituição, tráfico ou casamento forçado. O estupro é qualquer ato sexual, envolvendo ou não penetração, que é obtido a partir de coerção, constrangimento ou violência sem o completo consentimento de ambas as partes. Ambas estas violências sexuais são consideradas crimes passíveis de punição no território brasileiro segundo a Lei de Crimes Sexuais (BRASIL, 2009), além de serem classificadas como categorias de violência pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS, 2002).

Especificamente sobre a violência sexual direcionada a pessoas com deficiência4, não há pesquisa nacional que forneça estatísticas explícitas sobre o número de vítimas de violência sexual segundo a Associação Brasileira para Ação por Direitos das Pessoas com Autismo (ABRAÇA, 2016), mas há pesquisas internacionais que demonstram grande incidência de violências contra esse público, principalmente contra mulheres e adolescentes do gênero feminino com deficiência intelectual. As mulheres com deficiência estão dez vezes mais vulneráveis e serem vítimas de violência sexual repetidamente. No caso da população masculina, homens com deficiência são quatro vezes mais vulneráveis do que homens sem tal diagnóstico (OMS, 2011; UNFPA, 2018a; 2018b).

Considerando a população mundial, estima-se que entre 40% a 68% das mulheres com deficiência tenha sofrido alguma situação de violência sexual até os 18 anos. Na população brasileira, há estimativa de que até 90% das mulheres com deficiência vivenciem algum estilo de violência sexual ao longo de sua vida (ABRAÇA, 2016).


4 O Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência (BRASIL, 2015), define por pessoa com deficiência quem possui impedimentos físicos, mentais, intelectuais ou sensoriais que prejudiquem sua participação plena na sociedade. São os tipos de deficiência a deficiência física, intelectual, auditiva, visual e a múltipla deficiência. De acordo com o Censo de 2010 (BRASIL, 2012), mais de 45 milhões de brasileiros relatam possuir alguma deficiência.



Doxa: Rev. Bras. Psico. e Educ., Araraquara, v. 22, n. 00, e021013, 2021. e-ISSN: 2594-8385


Mesmo não havendo pesquisas estatísticas realizadas em todo o território nacional que quantifiquem a incidência de violência sexual contra pessoas com deficiência, nota-se a existência de pesquisas que versam o tema. Devido a isso, o objetivo deste artigo foi investigar a produção científica brasileira dos últimos dez anos a respeito da violência sexual direcionada a pessoas com deficiência.


A pesquisa realizada foi descritiva, de natureza qualitativa e sendo delineada a partir do método da revisão sistemática de literatura. Para Costa e Zoltowski (2014), a revisão sistemática ocorre através de procedimentos específicos: inicialmente formula-se um problema de pesquisa, para então se eleger os temas norteadores que serem pesquisados na literatura, que se convertem em operadores booleanos, enfim selecionando as bases de dados em que os temas serão pesquisados a partir dos operadores. Após esta busca inicial, os artigos encontrados passam por critérios de inclusão elencados pelos pesquisadores, podendo ser o ano de publicação, natureza do estudo, público atendido, entre outros, para então serem selecionados os artigos que irão compor a revisão sistemática (SAMPAIO; MANCINI, 2007).

O procedimento utilizado para esta pesquisa pode ser conferido na figura a seguir:

Figura 1 – Procedimento de revisão sistemática5


Fonte: Elaborado pelos autores


5 Sanchez et al. (2019) propuseram repensar a utilização do termo “Abuso sexual” nas pesquisas cientificas, especialmente no que tange à violência sexual infantil. Para as autoras, o abuso significa o uso excessivo de algo ou alguém, mas, no caso de crianças e certas populações vulneráveis, não há a distinção de um uso excessivo e de um uso aceitável. Qualquer uso de seus corpos para obtenção de atos sexuais é considerado uma violência. Devido a isto, o termo abuso sexual não se encontra no corpo deste artigo, mas este foi mantido no processo de busca e nos critérios de seleção dos artigos pois ainda está presente nas pesquisas da atualidade.



Doxa: Rev. Bras. Psico. e Educ., Araraquara, v. 22, n. 00, e021013, 2021. e-ISSN: 2594-8385


O processo de busca, seleção e inclusão dos artigos, pode ser conferido a seguir:

Figura 2 – Procedimento de busca e seleção dos artigos6


Fonte: Elaborado pelos autores

Resultados e Discussão

Analisando os 26 artigos pelo ano de publicação, é possível notar maior incidência de artigos publicados no ano de 2012, com seis artigos publicados, e nos anos de 2017 e 2016, com quatro em cada ano:

Figura 3 – Gráfico de distribuição dos artigos em relação ao ano da publicação


Fonte: Elaborado pelos autores


6 Busca realizada em 28/08/2019.



Doxa: Rev. Bras. Psico. e Educ., Araraquara, v. 22, n. 00, e021013, 2021. e-ISSN: 2594-8385


Em relação às revistas em que os artigos foram publicados, encontrou-se maior concentração de artigos na revista Ciência e Saúde Coletiva:

Tabela 1 – Tabela de revistas e suas indexações7



Número de Artigos

Revista Principais Áreas de Indexação

15 Ciência e Saúde Coletiva

2 Physis: Revista de Saúde


1 Anuário


1 Revista

Brasileira em

Promoção da Saúde

1 Novos estudos CEBRAP

1 Revista Direito e Práxis

1 Jornal de Pediatria

1 Revista de Administração Pública

1 Revista Cogitare de Enfermagem

1 Revista Estudos Feministas

1 Psicologia:

Teoria e


Administração Pública e de Empresas, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo - A2; Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design - A2; Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais - A2; Educação - A2; Educação Física - A2; Ensino - A1; Psicologia - A2; Saúde Coletiva – B1; Serviço Social - A1; Sociologia - A1.

Administração Pública e de Empresas, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo - B1; Ciências Ambientais - B1; Educação - B1; Enfermagem - A2; Interdisciplinar - B1; Psicologia - A2; Planejamento Urbano e Regional / Demografia - B1; Psicologia - B1; Saúde Coletiva


Source: Prepared by the authors

Analyzing the journals used for the publication of the articles it is noted that all are indexed in the area of public health, demonstrating an agreement with the WHO (2002) that sexual violence is an urgent public health problem. It is also remarkable the number of journals indexed in the area of education. This shows that sexual violence is a problem that




6 The Sucupira Platform was used to collect data regarding the indexations of the journals. Available: odicos.jsf. Access: 25 May 2020.


should not be limited to only one field of study or action but should involve multidisciplinary work and efforts of various professionals in all spheres of society (POLANCZYK et al., 2003; VILAÇA, 2019).

Even though not present in the systematic review, in Brazil there are specific periodicals with themes related to sexual violence and sexuality, such as the Revista Ibero- Americana de Estudos em Educação, linked to the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) and to the first

Brazilian stricto sensu post-graduate course in Sexual Education at the same university, and Cadernos Pagu, a journal linked to the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) and to the Pagu Center for Gender Studies.

Regarding the nature of the research conducted, four theoretical articles were found, seven articles that discussed and analyzed public policies and rights of PcD and 15 field researches. The distribution of the articles can be seen below:


Theoretical papers

Field Surveys

Public policies and rights

Figure 4 – Graph of article distribution in relation to the nature of the study

Source: Prepared by the authors



Going into the theoretical articles, three essays and one integrative literature review were found. The characterization of these articles is shown in the following table:


Table 2 – Table of theoretical articles' characterization



Author and year Eickmann

Central Topics Main conclusions7

Diagnosis of disabilities and mental Sexual violence is a stressor, along with extreme poverty and

et al. (2016)

Mello and Nuerberg (2012)

disorders in children.

Intersections between disability studies and gender studies.

parental diseases. If present for long years, they cause prolonged activation of the stress response system in the child, decreasing connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system and impairing cognition.

Women with disabilities are more vulnerable to situations of sexual violence.

Bisol and Sperb (2010)

Studies on deafness. There are still unexplored and little publicized issues involving the

deaf community, such as the presence of sexual violence within the community.


Source: Prepared by the authors

Among the theoretical articles, Tomaz et al. (2016) conducted an integrative literature review of articles and Brazilian legislation published between the years 2002 and 2012 that dealt with the health of people with intellectual disabilities. The authors selected 15 articles and 41 pieces of legislation. Specifically, about sexual violence, the authors found an article from 2009 that corresponds to a study of 53 cases of violence against children and adolescents, being 8.6% of these cases of sexual violence against people with intellectual disability, autism or mental disorder. The authors point out the scarcity of research on sexual violence against people with intellectual disabilities.

The theoretical articles analyzed demonstrated the vulnerability of people with disabilities to situations of sexual violence, in agreement with the discussions of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA, 2018a). Vulnerability extends mainly to women with disabilities, with some authors hypothesizing the causes of this phenomenon:

Social isolation, dependence on educators, caregivers and service providers, the type of disability and the degree of functionality associated with disability, the impossibility of physical defense of some people with disabilities and several other impediments to the perception and reaction to abuse lead to situations of greater risk of this social group (MELLO; NUERNBERG, 2012, p. 647, our translation).

On the other hand, the study conducted by Eickmann et al. (2016) shows sexual violence as an antecedent and possible cause of intellectual disabilities and mental disorders. One can notice the double and retroactive relationship that disability and violence maintain between each other; having a disability can lead to a greater vulnerability to situations of




7 Regarding sexual violence directed to people with disabilities.


violence, just as prolonged situations of violence can harm physical and cognitive development, unfolding into disabilities. Both disability and prolonged exposure to situations of sexual violence are understood here as social determinants of health (SILVA et al., 2019), factors that directly impact the health and well-being of the individual, making him or her more susceptible to illnesses and, as previously discussed, to each other.

Besides the theoretical articles, seven articles were found that discussed public policies and rights concerning people with disabilities. The characterization of these can be seen below:

Table 3 – Legislation and public policies articles characterization table



Author Goal Main legislation consulted

Main conclusions 8

Brandão (2019)

Minayo et al. (2018)

Jaccoud et al. (2017)

Discuss the applicability of emergency contraceptive methods in “special populations”

To reflect on the historical background of the issue of violence in public health

Analyze the recent transformations in the Brazilian social protection system

Ordinances of the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations (2016, 2017) and National Survey of Demography and Child and Women's Health. PNDS 2006: final report (2006).

National policy to reduce morbimortality by accidents and violence (2001); Violence Surveillance System (2005) and Sexual Crimes Act (2009).

Brazilian Federal

Constitution (1988); Organic Law of Social Assistance (1993) and the Basic Operational Norm of the Unified Social Assistance System (2005).

The public consultation in 2015 on the inclusion of emergency contraception methods in SUS9 was unfavorable, being decided for non-inclusion. The author pointed out the occurrence as delicate, because public opinion disregarded broad discussions on gender and sexuality, holding only women responsible for contraception.

The Brazilian legislation has advanced in recent years, from the definitions of rape and violence proposed by the Sexual Crimes Law to the control of notifications of cases of violence organized by the Violence Surveillance System. There are still points that need more action, such as the information systems related to violence, the hospital care of victims and the decentralization of the service.

The author analyzed the implementation of the Unified System of Social Assistance (SUAS) and its guidelines. The post-1993 care of victims of sexual violence, with and without disabilities, corresponds to a high complexity service of the system, and is provided by the Specialized Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CREAS) of the municipalities.

Oliveira (2017)

Reflect on the trajectory of feminist movements in Brazil with the approval of the Maria Penha Law

Maria Penha Law (2006) The author reports the case of Maria da Penha, who

acquired a physical disability after being a victim of violence by her husband. The author also emphasized the importance of feminist movements, such as the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women, of 1994, for the discussion on demands involving the eradication of sexual and domestic violence directed at women with and without disabilities.

Nascimento e Deslantes (2016)

Moraes e Vitalle

Analyze child and adolescent sexual violence, its

inclusion and permanence in the formal agenda of national policies Describe international and

Statute of the Child and Adolescent (1990); Organic Law of Social Assistance (1993) and the National Plan for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (2010).

The Adolescent Health Program (1989); Technical

The formulation of public policies against child and juvenile sexual violence in Brazil was marked by pressure from specific groups that also took on the role, along with the government, of deliberating policies. The participation of PcD in these deliberations is not addressed, but they are also the target of the policies.

Ten UN conferences were analyzed along with 32 national documents. Among the documents, the


8 Regarding sexual violence directed at people with disabilities.



9 Unified Health System.


(2015) national documents that address adolescent sexual and reproductive rights.

Standard for the Prevention and Treatment of Conditions Resulting from Sexual Violence against Women and Adolescents (1999) and the Sexual Crimes Act (2009).

Vulnerable Rape Act increased the penalty for sexual violence against children and adolescents with disabilities (8 to 12 years of imprisonment). The authors point to advances in sexual health policies, but do not discuss possible peculiarities involving PcD.

Cavalcante e Ribeiro (2012)

Develop an evaluation of the results of the implementation of the Unified System of Social


Organic Law of Social Assistance (1993).

With the transformations proposed by the Social Assistance Organizational Law, the care for people with disabilities who are victims of violence went from being sectorialized, in a specific secretariat, to being considered a high complexity service, being served in CREAS with the other demands of this modality.


Source: Prepared by the authors

One of the themes that was widely discussed in the articles was the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS) and its transformations, proposed by the Organic Law of Social Assistance (BRASIL, 1993). Among the changes in the assistance to people with disabilities, this has gone from being carried out in a specific sector to being considered, among other services, a highly complex demand, requiring a specialized multidisciplinary team and being held in the Specialized Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CREAS) in the municipalities. This change, as Cardoso (2017) points out, was made possible by social pressures from the movements of people with disabilities. According to the author, from the 1990s on, there was an increase in the protagonism of PcD in Brazilian social movements, and one of the main demands was the inclusion of the public in regular education, health, and assistance services. These agendas led to the approach of PcD social movements to other movements and the inclusion in various spaces.

Both SUAS and the Unified Health System (SUS), also present in the articles analyzed, develop practices of care, prevention, and awareness regarding sexual violence seeking decentralization and working in comprehensive care networks (CAMPOS, 2018). Both systems form a complex network of care, while the SUS is the place of first care that victims receive after situations of violence, in the modality of outpatient care (VILLELA; LAGO, 2007), the SUAS is the place for complaints and multi-professional care after medical care. It is also the place where actions are planned to prevent, raise awareness about, and combat sexual violence, which justifies the interest of Brazilian researchers in discussing these systems and the laws that support them.



Besides the theoretical articles and those that discussed public policies, most of the articles found consisted of field research, two of them with research carried out exclusively with people with disabilities, nine also carried out with people with disabilities, and four


without people with disabilities, but including professionals, parents, and people from the community.

The distribution can be seen in the following chart:

Figure 5 – Graph of the distribution of the field surveys by participants




Exclusively with disabled people

Including also people with disabilities

Source: Prepared by the authors

Without people with disabilities

The four articles that contained field research that did not involve people with disabilities, but involved people of PcD, family members, professionals, among others, addressed violence against this public in some way. The characterization of these can be seen below:

Table 4 – Table of characterization of the surveys conducted without PcD



Author Goal Data Collection Method

Data Analysis Participants Results

Godinho et al. (2018)

Moreira et al. (2014)

Assessing students' views on violence in the university environment

To investigate the meanings of guardianship counselors in guaranteeing the rights of children and adolescents with disabilities.

Self-Applied Questionnaire

Semi-structured Interviews

Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

Hermeneutic s of Depth

512 university students

15 guardianship counselors

The students identified sexual violence as one of the most incident in the university environment, with a total of 53 students (33.8%) noting incidences of this. According to the students, one of the groups most vulnerable to violence would be people with physical disabilities.



The counselors reported cases of neglect against children with disabilities, often coming from families living in extreme poverty. The reports are made by neighbors, who are often afraid to expose the intimacy of the family and interpret the child with disabilities as


Bastos e Deslantes (2012)

Cavalcante e Minayo (2009)

To learn how parents of adolescents with disabilities experience their children's sexual manifestations.

Investigating social representations regarding disability rights and violence

Semi-structured Interviews

Semi-structured Interviews and Operational Groups

Narrative analysis

Theory of Social Representation s

14 family members of adolescents with intellectual disabilities

Professionals, managers, and family members from three institutions

demanding more efforts, turning a blind eye to violent situations such as possible cases of sexual violence.

There is a protection exercised by family members in relation to their sons and daughters for fear of sexual violence; they are not allowed to go to places alone and talk to strangers. This protection is more intense in girls, with fears of unwanted pregnancy and the search for methods of contraception and sterilization. In the case of boys, the family members interpret sexuality as a need for their children and consider using sex workers for their children to relieve their desires. There is a fear that they will become abusers due to their intellect and their "uncontrolled sexuality".

In an institution located in a region controlled by illegal drug trafficking and with high rates of violence, there is an incidence of violence against PcD in the family environment and professionals who work there are at constant risk. Because of this, there is a complicity of professionals in relation to the violence that occurs within some families.


Source: Prepared by the authors

On the one hand, there are families that overprotect their children, and on the other, there are professionals who meet families that cause or connive with situations of violence. The overprotection of family members may occur, as stated by Mendes and Denari (2019), due to the myths surrounding the experience of sexuality by people with disabilities. It is common for family members to see their children with disabilities as children devoid of sexuality, infantilizing them, or as people with an exacerbated and uncontrolled sexuality. Both situations were noted in the article by Bastos and Deslantes (2012), the female daughters are seen in an infantilized and overly protected way for being possible victims of sexual violence while the male sons are seen as uncontrolled and may even become violent.



The two articles that brought up field research conducted exclusively with people with disabilities dealt with case studies of women who were victims of sexual violence:


Table 5 – Table characterizing the surveys conducted exclusively with PcD



Author Goal Method Data Analysis Participants

Simões (2019)

Discuss the ambivalences of the concept of 'intellectual disability' and of the terms 'incapable' and 'vulnerable

Case Study --- 10 Two women with intellectual

disabilities, 13 and 27 years old, victims of sexual violence who had their pregnancies terminated.

Souto et al.


To characterize the profile of the victim and the aggressor in cases of sexual violence against PcD

Cross-sectional study/Case study

Descriptive Statistics

19 women with intellectual disabilities who are victims of violence.


Source: Prepared by the authors

The results of Souto et al. (2012) showed a higher concentration of cases among women aged 12 to 19 years, also between 20 and 28 years. Most of the victims knew the aggressor, being 12 known aggressors, two partners and one father. 12 victims were raped multiple times for a period longer than 20 days and four were verbally and physically threatened by the aggressor and coerced to keep it secret. The results of Simões (2019) point out the little professional training for effective and humanized care of victims of violence, ambiguous legislation, and a long process of pregnancy termination in cases of rape victims.

The results of Souto et al. (2012) are similar to the findings of Moreira et al. (2014) and Cavalcante and Minayo (2009) on professionals who assist PcD, showing the visibility of cases of sexual violence committed within the family nucleus.

The articles analyzed agree with the theoretical articles on the issue of vulnerability of PcD, women with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable audiences to situations of sexual violence. The high incidence of violence against this public, usually by family members and other acquaintances, with multiple episodes and accompanied by threats and intimidation, as well as the difficulty of care after the episode of violence and of pregnancy termination in cases of unwanted pregnancy shows, as discussed by Oliveira (2017) and Campos and Severi (2019), that discussions of health, law and assistance regarding sexual violence against women transcend merely epidemiological studies and encompass sociological, economic and epistemological discussions. Current social relations and the economic gap between genders make women, with and without disabilities, more susceptible to violence of all kinds, including sexual violence:

[...] As sexual rights were formulated from their negativity, the exercise of these rights indicates that abortion can only be performed when the juridical good of sexual dignity, and not the person herself, is violated. Thus, in both


10 Not specified in the article.



Doxa: Rev. Bras. Psico. e Educ., Araraquara, v. 22, n. 00, e021013, 2021. e-ISSN: 2594-8385


cases one makes use of a moral economy [...] in which pain, suffering, and sadness become a language through which the right to terminate a pregnancy becomes a possibility (SIMÕES, 2019, p. 126-127, our translation)

Most of the field researches found were also carried out with people with disabilities; the characterization of the nine articles can be seen below:

Table 6 – Table of characterization of the surveys also conducted with PcD



Author Goal Data Collection Method

Data Analysis

Data Source/ Participants


Platt et al.


Avanci et al.


Souto et al


Malta et al.


Rates et al.



et al. (2015)

Identify characteristics of sexual abuse against children in terms of

victims and perpetrators

Analyze the data on intrafamily violence in

urgency and emergency services

To describe the profile of care of injuries resulting from violence in urgency and emergency services

Analyze the emergency care related to

external causes

Analyze the notifications of violence against children in public health services

Investigating attitudinal barriers in the process of inclusion in the workplace

Statistical Analysis

Cross-sectional study/Statistical analysis

Cross-sectional study/Statistical analysis

Cross-sectional study/Statistical analysis

Cross-sectional study/Statistical analysis

Semi-structured interviews and focus groups

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

Content Analysis


notifications from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (VIVA)

4893 cases notified by the System of Surveillance of Accidents and Violence (VIVA)

4406 cases notified by the System of Surveillance of Accidents and Violence (VIVA)

424 cases of violence notified by the Surveillance System of Accidents and Violence (VIVA)


notifications by the System of Surveillance of Accidents and Violence (VIVA)

Five PwD,

their families

and 30

inclusion professionals

75.5% of the reports were against female children between 10 and 15 years old. Higher incidence of rape against females and indecent assault against males. 5.5% of the cases were against children with disabilities, 20 female and seven male children. 413 cases of child and adolescent violence, 2.3% of these against children and adolescents with disabilities. 6.9% of the notifications involving female children were of sexual violence. 725 cases of intrafamily violence in adults, 0.9% of these were sexual violence directed at women.

125 cases are of violence against persons with disabilities. 51 cases were victims of sexual violence (41 female, 10 male).

1% of cases involved children with disabilities, 3.1% of cases were sexual violence. Higher concentration of violence in children between 2 and 5 years old.

660 cases of violence against children with disabilities. 5675 were cases of sexual violence, with higher prevalence of children between 6 and 9 years old, female, and black or brown.

The issue of sexual violence arose as a fear of a family member investigated in relation to the exit of his son to the world of work. Family involvement is essential for the proper inclusion of PcD in work environments.

Nicolau et al. (2013)

Identify individual, social

Semi-structured interviews

---11 15 women with disabilities

Women live an ambiguous process of overprotection and




11 Not specified in the article.



et al (2012)

Assis et al.


and programmatic dimensions of vulnerability of women with disabilities

Describe the notifications of violence against the elderly

Describe the cases of violence against children

Descriptive study/Statistical analysis

Descriptive Statistics


notifications by the Surveillance System of Accidents and Violence (VIVA)


notifications by the System of Surveillance of Accidents and Violence (VIVA)

rejection in their families, causing little autonomy in their lives and a scarce social and support network. Adding this to the social constructions regarding disability and the role of women in society, the difficulties of access and care for these women and the myths regarding their sexuality, it was observed that these women are more vulnerable to violence, including sexual violence.

538 cases of violence against elderly people with disabilities, mental disorders, or syndromes.

113 cases were of sexual violence, 96 of which were against women. There is a higher prevalence of sexual violence by people other than the victims' children, with the presence of alcohol use by the aggressor. 4457 cases of sexual violence among children between one and nine years old (41.7% of the notifications) with a higher incidence among girls and 120 cases against children under one year old. Of the total number, 405 of the cases correspond to children with disabilities.


Source: Prepared by the authors

Most of the articles analyzed, seven in total, conducted statistical analysis of the notifications of violence from the System for Surveillance of Accidents and Violence (VIVA). VIVA, according to Assis et al. (2012), was an important milestone for violence control and prevention policies, as it enabled the visualization of the incidence of violence in the national territory, serving as a basis for coping strategies and descriptive studies, as can be seen in the articles analyzed. About the VIVA system:



The Violence and Accidents Surveillance System (VIVA), implemented in 2006 by the Ministry of Health, aims to enable the collection of data and dissemination of information on violence and accidents. VIVA was structured in two components: the first related to continuous surveillance of domestic, sexual, and other interpersonal and self-inflicted violence (Continuous VIVA); the other component is the sentinel surveillance of violence and accidents in hospital emergencies (Sentinel VIVA). As of 2009, the continuous surveillance component of VIVA was incorporated into the Sistema de Informação de Agravos Notificados (Sinan-Net), adapting to its specific rules regarding the standardization of data collection and submission (ASSIS et al., 2012, p. 2306, our translation).


Research has shown that women, both children and adolescents, and the elderly are more vulnerable to sexual violence. Regarding people with disabilities, the research showed the incidence of violence directed to them, but none of the articles discussed the direct correlation between having some disability and being a victim of violence, nor compared the percentages of victims of sexual violence between PcD and people without disabilities, being issues that can be addressed in future studies.

Platt et al. (2018) hypothesize the greater vulnerability of PcD to situations of sexual violence and the complexity of care in these cases, given the difficulty of identifying the symptoms of children who experience situations of violence together with the limitations of disability itself. The issue of sexual violence emerged in the research of Neves-Silva et al. (2015) as a fear of family members regarding the coexistence of their children with disabilities in the community and in the world of work, as can be seen in the speech of a family member: "I am afraid, yes. Fear of accidents, cutting a finger, cutting a hand, sexual abuse, involvement with drugs, all this makes us afraid, very afraid" (SILVA et al., 2015, p. 2553).

On sexual violence directed at children and adolescents with disabilities, Assis et al.

(2012, p. 2315, our translation) state that:

The greater awareness of professionals in the attention to cases of sexual violence; the severity of these cases, which require seeking care by the health service; and the trivialization of physical violence against children are some of the justifications for the higher number of notifications of sexual abuse by health professionals, compared to other forms of violence.



The theme of vulnerability of people with disabilities, especially women, to situations of sexual violence emerges as one of the most present issues in the articles. A theme also discussed in the article by Ottoni and Maia (2019) on sexuality and the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Both the theoretical articles and the field research of the review carried out point to the greater fragility of this public, and when they are victims of violence, as shown by Souto et al. (2012), the episode usually occurs repeatedly, the aggressor is someone from the family or close to them and threatens/intimidates the victim to keep it a secret. All the field researches that carried out statistical analysis on the notifications of violence in the 'VIVA' system verified the presence of cases against PcD, mostly women, but no research compared the prevalence of violence in the population with disabilities in relation to the population without the diagnosis of disability, ascertaining whether women with disabilities are actually more victims than women without such a diagnosis.


Final considerations

Discussing sexual violence directed at people with disabilities is complex, involving theoretical notions of psychology, sociology, and law, encompassing the fields of education, health, and social assistance. This theme arouses the interest of Brazilian researchers.

Analyzing the Brazilian articles published in the last ten years that deal with the subject, it was noted a higher incidence of field research that performed statistical analysis on notifications of violence directed to the general public, including also people with disabilities. In contrast, there are few studies that have investigated exclusively PcD and their relationship with the phenomenon of violence, while no research has compared the incidence of violence in PcD in relation to people without disabilities.

While the field researches brought statistical data on the incidence of violence, with some characterizations about the victims and aggressors, the researches that investigated the public policies brought information about the assistance to victims of violence, both in health and social assistance. Finally, the theoretical articles circumscribed these themes by dealing with the conceptions of disability and the vulnerability associated with this condition, discussing the retroactive relationship between disability and vulnerability to violence. However, as much as the vulnerability of PcD is pointed out in the theoretical articles, this vulnerability was not empirically investigated in the field research.

There is still more research to be done and areas of knowledge to be explored, the Brazilian scientific field demands statistical analysis of the notifications of violence exclusively of people with disabilities, with comparison of these findings to the notifications of the typical population, in addition to case studies of PcD victims of sexual violence and field research that empirically debate on the vulnerability that this public has in relation to violence, relating the data with the theoretical discussions of the area of education, gender studies and feminist movements. Intervention and violence prevention programs are also needed. It is hoped that this article has contributed to the understanding of the current Brazilian scientific field and enabled new areas of research and studies that have not yet been contemplated.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We thank the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for funding this research.



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How to reference this article

MENDES, M. J. G.; DENARI, F. E. Sexual violence against people with disabilities in the last 10 years: a systematic review. Doxa: Rev. Bras. Psico. E Educ., Araraquara, v. 22, n. 00, e021013, 2021. e-ISSN: 2594-8385. DOI:

Submitted: 29/07/2021 Required revisions: 10/08/2021 Approved: 15/09/2021 Published: 01/10/2021

Responsible for the translation: Editora Ibero-Americana de Educação.



Translated by: Alexander Vinicius Leite da Silva - ORCID: 4672-8799
