Idioms with component-phytonym semantics specification in Chinese and English language
Rev. EntreLínguas, Araraquara, v. 7, n. esp. 4, e021087, Nov. 2021. E-ISSN: 2447-3529
DOI: 5
identity of the ethnic group directly related to the surrounding nature, a part of which are forest
and trees.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the linguacultural potential dendronym oak based
on comparison with the denotatum image in European Celtic and English culture.
Consequently, it is necessary to determine how the tree fits into the traditional culture, what is
the relationship between a tree as a botanical object and its image in a cultural symbolic way,
between a tree and a person, the position of a particular tree in the arboretum, and what
reflection in modern English find these developing during centuries of relationships and
statuses. The tree is a unique phenomenon, whose great metaphorical potential is explained by
its intermediate position between living nature and inanimate, between the upper and lower
worlds. Wood characterized by both strength and weakness, nature and structure, seasonality
and cyclicality, is able to stand, being dead. The tree as the main representative of the forest
ecosystem is not only benefits other living organisms but also represents danger (HOOKE,
2010; JAKOBSON, 1969). The degree of usefulness, active use of wood in the economy was
determined by its qualities: size, density/softness wood, flexibility of the trunk, the ability to
withstand weather conditions, the presence of juicy and tasty edible fruits, real or perceived
medicinal or toxic properties. Trees are a universal object of deification and worship that
rationally explained, since wood is unique material for heating, construction of buildings and
structures, as well as carts, musical instruments, baskets, and religious items. Images of tree
branches on decorative items already in the VI century BC. testify to the recognition of the
important role of the tree in the material and spiritual life of a person. Dendronyms, names of
tree-like plants, trees and shrubs, represent an ancient layer of vocabulary that reflects changes
in time of the surrounding world, climate, and ecology (KHISMATOVA, 2005; Meaning and
Origin of The Phrase ‘Heart of Oak’, 2017). Through dendronyms, on the one hand, reflects
man's understanding of nature, his attitude to flora and fauna of their predecessors, on the other
hand, subsequent generations receive multifaceted information about natural objects, in
particular about trees, before they collide with them and their qualities in reality.
The Chinese traditionally love four plants, they are plum (meihua), orchid (lanhua),
bamboo (zhuzi), and chrysanthemum (juhua). The ancient Chinese called them junzy- a person
with good and high spirituality. In ancient China, people aspired to become like that. It is
believed that these plants symbolize the qualities that a noble man should possess:
straightforwardness of character, modesty, sincerity of thoughts and feelings, and much more.
Probably, our ancestors made high demands on themselves. They strove for spiritual perfection.