Perception of education as a value: socio-psychological interpretation of data from a comparative associative experiment carried out in
Russia and Germany
Rev. EntreLínguas, Araraquara, v. 7, n. esp. 4, e021093, Nov. 2021. E-ISSN: 2447-3529
DOI: 3
of action” (КLUСKHOHN et al., 1951). Due to this definition values can be interpreted as the
embodiment of deep-seated individual, social and institutional needs.
According to the following definition given in the dictionary, values are “sociological
constructs of culture, a set of hierarchically organized prescriptions that prescribe a choice of
actions or a mode of existence that take distinct shape in different cultures and are preserved
for a long time” (ZHUKOVA et al., 2017).
Russian culturologist and philosopher M.S. Kagan believes that value is “a cognitive
structure, the result of cognitive activity and the assessment of the subject’s relationship with
the object, a special axiological concept that is represented verbally and nonverbally”
(KAGAN, 1997).
Y.E. Prokhorov and I. A. Sternin suggested that the terms “values” and “principles”
should be differentiated. By values scientists mean social, socio-psychological ideas and views
shared by people and inherited by each new generation, and by principles – specific stereotypes
of thinking and behavior; these are “general opinions”, ideas, beliefs, stable habits in activity,
mechanisms of causal attribution (PROKHOROV; STERNIN, 2006, p. 37).
K. Schlecht defines values as ideas which are generally considered desirable by people
and provide orientation for them (SCHLECHT, n.d.).
Based on various lists of basic values (SCHWARTZ, 2006; 2008; DEESE, 1965;
FILIPPOVA, 2012; RYABOV; KURBANGALEEVA, 2003), we have selected 28 values that
had been mentioned in all the lists and that, in our opinion, may be included in the core of basic
values: security / Sicherheit, wealth / Reichtum, faith / Glaube, power / Macht, attention to
people / Aufmerksamkeit auf die Menschen, harmony / Harmonie, money / Geld, trust /
Zutrauen, prosperity / Wohlstand, friendship / Freundschaft, life / Leben, legality /
Gesetzlichkeit, health / Gesundheit, truth / Wahrheit, mercy / Mitleid, peace / Frieden,
independence / Unabhängigkeit, education / Bildung / Ausbildung, peacefulness / Ruhe,
decency / Anständigkeit, work / Arbeit, homeland / Heimat, family / Familie, justice /
Gerechtigkeit, labor / Arbeit / Mühe, respect for parents / Aufmerksamkeit auf die Eltern,
respect / Respekt, success / Erfolg.
This list of values was given to the examinees during the ranking experiment, the task
of which was to distribute the values in decreasing order of importance for them. 100 German
and Russian native speakers, aged 17 to 23 years, were surveyed. As noted by Y.N. Karaulov,
in this period the language identity of a person starts to develop, and responses may reflect the
linguistic ability of respondents (KARAULOV, 1981). Russian respondents are students of
Moscow universities (MSLU, MPEI, RANEPA), German respondents are students of