Renata Portela RINALDI and Renan Moreira ULLOFFO
RIAEE – Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, Araraquara, v. 18, n. 00, e023052, 2023. e-ISSN: 1982-5587
DOI: 11
[...] I think that in regular schools, we don't have this possibility of spending
more time with the students and being able to promote this interdimensional
education and this pedagogy of presence. In the program, you have this
opportunity, because you spend more time with them [...] this opportunity you
have here to talk to the student (SCHOOL PRINCIPAL, S, E1, Interview, our
We observe in the speech of school principal S that the Regime of Full and Integral
Dedication (RDPI) contributes significantly to the promotion of educational practices
(interdimensional education and the pedagogy of presence) designed by the program, as well
as enabling a greater approximation and interaction with students.
Concomitant with the statements by S from E1, the PCG from E3 tells us that this full-
time stay in the same school collaborates so that he can carry out his activities with greater
commitment, which does not happen in regular schools,
[...] so, here I ask my teacher, look, I want the agenda for fifteen days from
the beginning of the two-month period, one week it is there, in a week it is
delivered, the date I asked for is delivered. There on the regular, wow! don't
even ask, don't even think about it, because he runs from school to school, he
doesn't have time, he teaches at three schools. In PEI, no! at PEI I have the
teacher in here just for me (PCG, A, E3, Interview, our translation).
What caught our attention in the speech of S and A is the closer contact that exists
between the actors involved in the educational process in the program, whether principal-
student, teacher-student, student-student, coordinator-teacher, teacher-teacher, among others.
This situation is barely visible in regular schools, where, for the most part, there are
professionals who, in the face of factors such as salary devaluation, began to work in double or
even triple shifts in the same network or in different teaching networks.
It is thinking about this salary factor that M, PCG of E1, tells us that of the working
conditions offered by the PEI, the one that he likes the most is the issue of remuneration,
[...] it is the salary difference, but it is not specific to management, all
professionals here have a salary difference (PCG, M, E1, Interview, our
This aspect was also mentioned in previous studies, when they point out that the quality
of education involves improving working conditions, and consequently, salary and career
conditions (GATTI; BARRETO, 2009). In view of these assertions, it seems that the program
has been providing some satisfactory working conditions, as proposed by the LDB/96 in its
article 67, which correspond respectively to “professional salary floor” and “adequate working
conditions” (BRASIL, 1996, p. 44, our translation).