Access, retention and success of students: An analysis of policies of IFFluminense
RIAEE – Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, Araraquara, v. 18, n. 00, e023130, 2023. e-ISSN: 1982-5587
DOI: 6
structure of the Institutes allowed the offering of EPT in areas that previously did not have
access to minimum technical and higher education opportunities.
The IF's educational proposal, since implementation, aims to unite the construction of
knowledge linked to the transformation of society. This character arises from the specificities
of its institutional identity, characterized by territorial expansion, the multicampi structure and
the clear definition of the territory covered by the actions, in addition to the verticalized
pedagogical organization, in which teachers work at different levels and students share diverse
pedagogical spaces, from Basic Education to doctorate (OLIVEIRA et al., 2020). It is an
innovative institutional model in terms of political-pedagogical proposal.
EPT courses are offered at IFs in order to complement the different levels and modalities
of Education, namely: a) Professional Qualification, including initial and continuing training of
workers; b) Medium-level technical professional education, including intermediate technical
professional qualification courses and technical professional specialization courses; and c)
Professional Technological Education, undergraduate and postgraduate, including intermediate
courses of professional technological qualification, professional technological specialization
courses and professional Master's and Doctorate programs.
Such courses are provided for by the National Education Guidelines and Bases Law
(LDB), Law No. 9,394, of December 20, 1996 (BRASIL, 1996), Art. 39 to 42, regulated by
Law No. 11,741, of July 16, 2008 (BRASIL, 2008b), and by Decree No. 5,154, of June 23,
2004 (BRASIL, 2004), amended by Decree No. 8,268, of June 18, 2014 (BRASIL, 2014),
standardized by CNE CP Resolution No. 1, of January 5, 2021 (BRASIL, 2021).
The structuring and organization of technical courses are developed in an integrated
manner, concomitantly or subsequent to secondary education, characterized as follows:
I - integrated, offered only to those who have already completed Elementary
Education, with a single enrollment at the same institution, in order to lead the
student to professional technical qualifications at the same time that they
complete the last stage of Basic Education;
II - concomitant, offered to those who enter high school or are already
studying it, with separate registrations for each course, taking advantage of
available educational opportunities, whether in teaching units of the same
institution or in different institutions and educational networks;
III - intercomplementary concomitant, developed simultaneously in different
institutions or educational networks, but integrated into the content, through
the action of an agreement or intercomplementarity agreement, for the
execution of a unified pedagogical project; It is
IV - subsequent, developed in courses aimed exclusively at those who have
already completed high school (BRASIL, 2021, np, our translation).