Janaiára Maria de Paiva FERREIRA; Glauciana Alves TELES and Raimundo Lenilde de ARAÚJO
RPGE – Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, v. 27, n. esp. 1, e023014, 2023. e-ISSN: 1519-9029
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22633/rpge.v27iesp.1.17939 13
Regarding the Opinion, it describes that in the fight against racism and for the
development of an education in which difference is respected, the construction of pedagogies
that seek, in fact, to effect changes should be guided. In this sense, he points out:
Pedagogies to combat racism and discrimination elaborated with the objective
of educating positive ethnic/racial relations aim to strengthen among blacks
and awaken among whites’ black consciousness. Among blacks, they will be
able to offer knowledge and security to be proud of their African origin; for
whites, they can allow them to identify the influences, contribution,
participation and importance of black history and culture in their way of being,
living, relating to other people, especially black people. They will also be part
of a process of recognition, on the part of the State, society and the school, of
the social debt they have in relation to the black segment of the population,
enabling an explicit position against racism and racial discrimination and the
construction of affirmative action at the different levels of education in
Brazilian education (BRAZIL, 2004, pp. 16-17, our translation).
With regard to pedagogies to fight racism, Opinion No. 03/2004 adds:
Such pedagogies need to be attentive so that everyone, blacks and non-blacks,
in addition to having access to basic knowledge considered fundamental for
life integrated into society, competent professional exercise, receive training
that enables them to forge new ethnic-racial relations. Therefore, there is a
need, as we have already seen, for qualified teachers to teach the different
areas of knowledge and, in addition, sensitive and able to positively direct the
relations between people of different ethnic-racial belongings, in the sense of
respect and correction of postures, attitudes, prejudiced words. Hence the need
to insist and invest so that teachers, in addition to solid training in the specific
area of activity, receive training that enables them not only to understand the
importance of issues related to ethnic-racial diversity, but to deal positively
with them and above all to create pedagogical strategies that can help re-
educate them (BRAZIL, 2004, p. 20, our translation).
It should be noted that the mandatory teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History
and Culture should not be restricted only to the disciplines suggested by Law 10.639/03, such
as Artistic Education, Literature and History of Brazil, on the contrary, it should also be taught
in other disciplines in order to contribute to correct the injustices suffered, historically, by black
peoples. In this perspective, Opinion No. 03/2004 considers that:
The teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture, the education
of ethnic-racial relations, as explained in this opinion, will be developed in the
daily life of schools, at different levels and modalities of teaching, as content
of disciplines,(4) particularly, Artistic Education, Literature and History of
Brazil, without prejudice to the others(5), in curricular activities or not, work
in classrooms, in science and computer laboratories, in the use of reading
room, library, playroom, recreation areas, sports court and other school
environments (BRAZIL, 2004, p. 20, our translation).