Wed, 22 Jul 2020 in Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional
Main Text
The Dossier brings together reflections developed from the objects of study by the organizers, the School Health. The purpose of this series of documents is to contribute to the debate about the complexity of the privatization dimensions and its consequences for achieving the right to education in different contexts.
Health and education are required when subjects are the living conditions of the population, because the interaction between them, regardless of where it occurs, becomes an interesting way to improve quality of life.
Health practices are a continuous and ongoing development process that must be carried out within or outside the school environment, through articulated and intersectoral policies with other local, state and municipal offices and/or departments, in order to minimize the gaps in access to health at school.
It is understood that the debate and the socialization of studies are fundamental as a way to add and contribute to think of a more equitable Brazil and corroborate with the formation of a fair and egalitarian society. Therefore, it is necessary to bring up the discussion about the actions and practices related to the activities within the school spaces.
Thus, the relevance of this dossier also lies in the adequate preparation of professionals involved in health in the school environment, fostering discussions that encourage and provoke reflections on the subject in them and thus, they succeed in their practices.
The first article that composes the dossier is entitled "A Educação Física e seu processo de formação para a saúde" , written by Viviany Caetano Freire Aguiar, Stela Lopes Soares and Hamilton Vale Leitão, researchers from the INTA University Center (UNINTA), bring a survey about the training of the professional in Physical Education in public health, pointing out in this, the restlessness that the authors observed in the daily practice in different spaces. Understanding that, for a long time, the area of physical education was seen only as a curricular discipline presented in Basic Education or linked to Sports Training. Through the integrative review, the authors affirm that today, Physical Education has become accepted in the field of Public Health. However, it is still believed that their training to work in the country's health system is seen in a complex and sometimes even paradoxical way.
The second text "Atendimento educacional especializado e o ensino regular: interlocuções docentes com vistas à inclusão" , by Ilani Marques Souto Araújo, Liliane Luz Alves, Francisco Ricardo Miranda Pinto and Ilaneide Marques Souto Bezerra, has as its theme the inclusion in the school space of a stigmatized minority, the person with disabilities. For that, a descriptive study with a qualitative approach was used, carried out in schools of the municipal public system of Sobral (CE) with 10 teachers. Using questionnaires in their research, the authors identified that it is necessary to instrumentalize the school institutions for this service, as well as invest in the training of teachers of the common teaching room and the multifunctional resource room (AEE, Portuguese initials), which should promote the reception and inclusion of these children.
In the sequence, the researchers Francisco Ednaldo Eufrasio da Silva, Francisco Ricardo Miranda Pinto, Damares de Oliveira Moreira and Stela Lopes Soares present their article entitled "Do conceito à realidade: a saúde mental dos concluintes de Pedagogia" . The authors discuss the requirements imposed on undergraduates who may exceed the usual charges and thus impact their mental health. The authors developed the work with a descriptive and exploratory methodology and investigated the students of the 9th semester of the course of Pedagogy of the State University Vale do Acaraú (UVA), also located in Sobral (CE). The data obtained through the application of questionnaires were analyzed in the light of authors dealing with Mental Health and socioeconomic and cultural data presented by ANDIFES (2014). The analysis allows to better understand the students' difficulties in dealing with the emotions at the end of the course, identifying how they interfere in the process and their connection to the student's mental health.
The fourth work that composes this dossier is authored by the researchers Francisco Marcelo Catunda de Oliveira, Paulo Adriano Schwingel, Pergentina Parente Jardim Catunda and José de Caldas Simões Neto and has the title "Espaço escolar: possibilidades para práticas de atividades físicas" . The intention of the work was to identify spaces for the practice of physical activities by the school community in the Integral time State Public Schools of Juazeiro do Norte (CE). To do so, the authors conducted a field research with a qualitative approach through discourse analysis. From a standardized interview with four school managers, the physical activity in the school was analyzed as a possibility of change to healthy habits by the population of its surroundings, and possible resources were identified in the school for this practice. The research debates the primary importance of the use of school spaces for the practice of physical activities by the community and that this space has the power to change social habits, once the intellect is developed in it. The authors also discuss the contribution of school space to the implementation of a health culture by their community.
The last text of this dossier presents "A psicopedagogia e suas estratégias facilitadoras no processo de aprendizagem" by Anaisa Alves de Moura, Evaneide Dourado Martins, Vithória Alves de Moura e Adriana Pinto Martins. The authors address the basic problem of reaffirming that Psychopedagogy contributes to education by expanding the possibilities of searching and reflecting on the teaching-learning process. Analyzing the scientific literature through renowned authors such as Grassi (2013), Bossa (2007) and Paín (1992), the article demonstrates that the work of the institutional psychopedagogue favors conditions of self-knowledge to the teacher, reconstructing their subjectivities, looking at their history, their existence and their needs, providing internal changes that trigger transformations in their pedagogical practice. In order to better understand the learning process in the face of the challenges regarding learning disorders and possible strategies to be put into practice, different theoretical references were used in the investigation, all of them aimed at clarifying the importance of the psychopedagogue, its intervention and preventive work and also their role in the school environment.
From the presented articles it is possible to conclude that the educational practices in the promotion of health favors the development of new strategies of intervention in this area. Mainly, to the extent that actions are developed combining students' previous knowledge, which grants them autonomy to care for their health and disease processes (DUARTE, 2015).
Therefore, in following the practices and reflections reported through the researchers, we find, even if in a timid manner, fissures in these organicist conceptions. These occurred to the extent that the practices thought by some professionals demonstrate a widening in the concept of health, in which it is treated in addition to actions of care with the body.
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Novo Tempo College (FNT), Sobral - CE - Brazil. Coordinator of the Physiotherapy course. Teaches Physical Education disciplines, with emphasis in the School, Health and Sports areas and in Physiotherapy in Public Policy and Gerontology areas by UNINTA. Member of Research and Study Group in School Physical Education (GEPEFE) of UECE. E-mail:, Brazil
Paulo Adriano SCHWINGEL
University of Pernambuco (UPE), Petrolina - CE - Brazil. Adjunct Teacher and Dean of the Nutrition Course of the University of Pernambuco (UPE), permanent Professor and coordinator of the Post-Graduation Program in Teacher Training and Interdisciplinary Practices (PPGFPPI), UPE Campus Petrolina. PhD in Medicine and Health at the Bahia Medicine College (FMB) of Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Leader of the Human Performance Research Group (GPEDH) and coordinator of the Human Performance Research Laboratory (LAPEDH), UPE, also acts as guest specialist in the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB). E-mail:, Brazil
State University of Ceará (UECE), Sobral - CE - Brazil. Professor of the Post-Graduation Program in Education (PPGE) of UECE and vice-coordinator of Professional Master Course Health in Teaching. Post-doc in School Physical Education at the Post-Graduation Program in Human Development and Technologies (UNESP). Leader of Research and Study Group in School Physical Education (GEPEFE), UECE. Counselor at the Regional Council of Physical Education of the 5ª Region (CREF5). E-mail:, Brazil