Dictatorship, football and literature

For an antifascist education





Football, Fascism, Military Dictatorship, Literature, Antifascist Education


This essay aims to explore football and literature with the intention of reflecting the history and memory, addressing issues that can help denaturalize and combat fascist thinking. In this manner, this writing proposes to think about football through an antifascist and democratic lens. In order to do this, we bring literature and sports into the spotlight, anchored here in poetry and football. From this perspective, two former players associated with the history of the Clube de Regatas do Flamengo (Sócrates Brasileiro and Adriano Imperador) are brought here to converge with two characters from Latin American poetry (Manoel de Barros and Pablo Neruda). By exposing two chronicles related to football and poetry, it is believed that it is possible to witness the inscription of a "non-fascist" desire, which should guide all forms of educational thinking that involve teaching and learning through reading.



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Author Biographies

Perolina Souza Teles, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

 Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação.

Elder Silva Correia, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Professor do Departamento de Educação Física (DEF).

Fabio Zoboli, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGED).


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How to Cite

TELES, P. S.; CORREIA, E. S.; ZOBOLI, F. Dictatorship, football and literature: For an antifascist education. Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, v. 28, n. 00, p. e023021, 2024. DOI: 10.22633/rpge.v28i00.19485. Disponível em: https://periodicos.fclar.unesp.br/rpge/article/view/19485. Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.