Ver em francês acadiano e português brasileiro

codificação de imperativo e saliência textual




marcador pragmático, verbos de percepção, línguas românicas, gramaticalização, dessemantização


Este artigo discute construções do português brasileiro (PB) e da fala informal do francês acadiano (FA) nas quais formas equivalentes à do verbo ‘ver’ aparecem em enunciados imperativos contendo um segundo verbo. Nessas construções, ‘ver’ enfatiza a injunção expressa por esse segundo verbo. A construção do PB apresenta também uma leitura adicional, na qual a forma imperativo tem o significado de ‘verificar’. O artigo propõe que as construções do PB podem ser associadas a duas estruturas distintas. As construções com o significado de ‘verificar’ são tratadas como estruturas bioracionais nas quais o verbo ‘ver’ seleciona um CP nucleado pelo complementador se. Com relação à análise do significado de ordem enfática associado às construções do PB e do FA, adota-se as propostas de Speas e Tenny (2003) e de Hill (2007, 2014), segundo as quais a pragmática conversacional é codificada na sintaxe com uma estrutura predicativa (uma projeção associada ao Speech Act ‘Ato de Fala’- SAP) acima de CP. Com base nessas propostas, analisam-se as construções de ordem enfática do PB e do FA como estruturas mono-oracionais, em que e voir são marcadores pragmáticos injuntivos inseridos diretamente no núcleo SA para codificar uma relação pragmática.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Catherine Léger, University of Victoria (UVIC). Faculty of Humanities. Victoria - BC - Canadá

Catherine Léger joined the Department of French at the University of Victoria in 2010, where she teaches French language and linguistics courses. Her research focuses mainly in two areas: the pragmatic/syntax/semantic interface and different aspects of Acadian French, especially Chiac a long-stigmatized variety of Acadian French spoken in southeastern New Brunswick that emerged from intense contact with English. She has worked on clausal complementation in French (including on issues related to factive complements and aspectual verbs) and discursive markers and borrowings from English in Acadian French.

Marcus Lunguinho, Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Instituto de Letras. Brasília - DF - Brasil

Marcus Lunguinho holds a Master's in Linguistics from the University of Brasília (2005) and a PhD in Linguistics from the University of São Paulo (2011). During his PhD he was a visiting student at the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is currently a full professor in the Department of Linguistics, Portuguese and Classical Languages at the University of Brasília. His research is part of the theoretical framework of Generative Theory in its Minimalist version and focuses on the description and analysis of morphosyntactic phenomena of the verbal and nominal domains. In the verbal domain, his interests are: 1) auxiliary verbs and their morphosyntactic properties (synchronic and diachronic perspective), 2) grammaticalization of verbs, 3) selection of auxiliaries, 4) morphosyntactic dependencies, 5) non-finite domain syntax, 6 ) typology of participles (adjectives, perfectives, passives and innovators), 7) passive sentence properties, 8) modal verbs, 9) aspectual verbs and 10) syntactic alternations. In the nominal domain, his interests are: 1) vocative and syntax-pragmatic articulation, 2) syntactic organization of possession relationships (possessive, internal possessors and possessors external to the DP), 3) quantification and modification phenomena and 4) mechanisms of internal agreement with the DP.

Patrícia de Araujo Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Patricia Rodrigues has an M.A and a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the Université du Québec à Montréal. She is a full professor at the Federal University of Parana (Curitiba, Brazil), at the Department of Literature and Linguistics where she teaches and supervises students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her research interests focus on syntax and its interfaces with semantics and pragmatics. In 2017-18, she conducted a postdoctoral research under the supervision of Prof. Sergio Menuzzi at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) on causal clauses. From 2013 to 2019 she worked as editor-in-chief and as associated editor of Revista Letras.



Como Citar

LÉGER, C.; LUNGUINHO, M.; RODRIGUES, P. de A. Ver em francês acadiano e português brasileiro: codificação de imperativo e saliência textual. ALFA: Revista de Linguística, São Paulo, v. 65, 2021. DOI: 10.1590/1981-5794-e13711. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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