Os grupos de centros e diretórios acadêmicos da Unesp/Araraquara frente ao uso da maconha
Group consciousness, Use of drugs, Collective responsibility, Marijuana,Abstract
This article discusses the attitude of students engaged instudent unions at UNESP - Campus Araraquara towards the legalization ofCannabis Sativa, known as marijuana. This is a version of the dissertationon the subject, based on Gramsci's theory of common sense, as afundamental reference to study the formation of consciousness of thesegroups of students. This study focuses on the everyday experience, aswell as conceptions about this plant and its use. The dynamics related tothe illegal status apppear fragmented,showing absence of comprehensivesynthesis in most of the groups in the university community, who considerit as a personal matter. There is a context of weak formation ofsubjectivity towards collective-social responsibilities for the cultural andpolitical debate of themes such as marijuana legalization. The symbolic and structural helplessness of the consumer society, along withprohibitionist policies are the central aspects to understand the groups analysed.
Keywords: Group consciousness. Use of drugs. Collective responsibility. Marijuana.
Os manuscritos aceitos e publicados são de propriedade da Revista de Segurança Urbana e Juventude. Os originais foram acompanhados de documentos de transferência de direitos autorais contendo assinatura dos autores. É vedada a submissão integral ou parcial do manuscrito a qualquer outro periódico. A responsabilidade do conteúdo dos artigos é exclusiva dos autores. É vedada a tradução para outro idioma sem a autorização escrita do Editor ouvida a Comissão Editorial.