Poverty in the state of Minas Gerais: an analysis of the North region


  • Nathana Jéssica Pereira Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal), Varginha – MG – Brasil.
  • Kellen Rocha de Souza Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal), Varginha – MG – Brasil.


Multidimensional poverty, North of Minas, Poverty in Minas Gerais, Inequality, Basic needs,


The objective of this study is to analyze poverty in the northern region of the state of Minas Gerais, subdivided into four mesoregions, being the Northwest of Minas, North of Minas, Jequitinhonha and Vale do Mucuri, because although the state presents high rates of development economic situation compared to the other states of the country, its macro region north presents high rates of poverty. In addition, this research also seeks to identify the main aggravators in that region, using the platform of the Index of Social Responsibility (IMRS) of the João Pinheiro Foundation (FJP) as the main source of data. For a betteranalysis, data on education, basic sanitation and incomeweresurveyed, in order to identify the percentage of municipalities in eachmesoregionthat are in a worrisome situation regarding the level of poverty. Fromthis, as expected, a high level of povertywasfound in the Northernregion of Minas Gerais, where basic survival items such as sanitarysewage, bathrooms, schooling, amongothers. In thisway, itwasevidentthat the regionis not met with the basic, thushinderingitssocioeconomicdevelopment.

Author Biographies

Nathana Jéssica Pereira, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal), Varginha – MG – Brasil.

Bacharela em Ciência e Economia pela Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL) - Campus Varginha / MG

Kellen Rocha de Souza, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal), Varginha – MG – Brasil.

Professora do Instituto de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas da Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL) e doutora em Economia Aplicada pela Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" da  Universidade de São Paulo (ESALQ/USP).




