Innovation and revolutions in industry
Innovation, Industrial Revolution, Technological RevolutionAbstract
The study aims to verify how innovation evolved from a theoretical and historical perspective and how its practice in the global industrial park was revealed. For that, the evolution of what is understood as innovation is verified along each of the periods of revolutions in the industry. It is also intended to identify which were the innovative practices and their impacts in each of the periods of the revolutions, summarizing the main contributions on the understanding of innovation (theoretical and practical) for each period covered. After Schumpeter's eruditions, numerous studies on his theory emerged, which gave rise to new alternatives of understanding regarding technical progress and the innovative process. Such studies are based on new technologies and such research efforts have developed a theoretical framework for change in the economy, emerging, in this context, schools of economic thought, which is known as the neo-Schumpeterian current. It was found that each "Era" of the Industrial Revolution is equipped with one (or more) "waves of innovation" and/or technological revolution that have characteristics specific to their productive development and that there is a strong relationship of dependence on the previous understood revolution.
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