Actions and budgetary support for solid waste collect enterprises in Brazil (2004-2019)

work, income, citizenship and sustainability



Solidarity Economy, Cooperatives and associations, Solid waste national policy, Federal Budget, LOA


This paper aims to discuss the Budget Programs and Actions in the Annual Budget Laws – LOAs from federal executive in Brazil, supporting workers of collective enterprises od collecting and treating of solid waste, operated by cooperatives and associations, in adherence to the National Solid Waste Policy. The data was collected through consulting the LOAs from 2004 to 2021, period in which actions for the Solidarity Economy were present in the Federal Executive Budget. The actions are contained in the LOAs from 2004 to 2019, linked to the Budgetary Programs: Light for All (2004 and 2005); Solid Waste (2006 to 2015) and Environmental Quality (2016 to 2019). The budgetary actions were quoted across the board, within the scope of the Solidarity Economy National Secretary- SENAES. The results shows an increase in contributions from 2004, until 2013, decreasing since then, been extinct from 2019.

Author Biographies

Caio Luis Chiariello, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Ufscar), São Carlos – SP – Brasil.

Professor da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Centro de Ciências da Natureza

Sergio Azevedo Fonseca, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Araraquara – SP – Brasil.

Professor Livre Docente do Departamento de Administraçaõ Pública da Unesp FCL/Ar




