About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The central aim of Revista de Letras UNESP is to provide a forum for the discussion of Literature, with special emphasis on Literary Theory and Criticism and their different theoretical and methodological approaches. Fields of knowledge directly related to Literary Theory and Criticism such as Sociology, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis may as well offer significant contribution to the literary studies and will be accepted for publication. As a forum for the discussion of Literature Revista de Letras UNESP does not favor any kind of theoretical or critical approach, encouraging the widest diversity of perspectives in approaching Literature.

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Board will send the submitted papers to, at least, two members of the Advisory Board. A copy of the decision will be sent to the author(s). In the case of works accepted for publication, the authors will be occasionally allowed to make changes according to the suggestions given by the referee(s).

Since Revista de Letras UNESP has a limited number of pages per issue, the best-qualified papers for their relevance, originality and contribution to the discussion of the proposed theme will be chosen, at the Advisory Board's discretion.