Tragedy today: two contemporary rewritings of the myth of Antigone



Antigone, Tragedy, George Steiner, Albin Lesky, Jean Anouilh, María Zambrano


The still hot question of whether tragedy is possible today is discussed by great critics such as George Steiner [1963] and Albin Lesky [1957] with positions that do not fully coincide. We will compare here their proposals, and to this end we will analyse from both perspectives two contemporary rewritings of the myth of Antigone: Antigone [1942] by the French playwright Jean Anouilh and La tumba de Antígona [The Tomb of Antigone, 1967] by the Spanish philosopher and writer María Zambrano, which, as we shall see, maintain a dissimilar intertextual relationship with Sophocles’ Antigone.

Author Biography

Teresa Vallès-Botey, UIC - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Facultad de Humanidades. Barcelona – España

Profesora de Literatura Comparada en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Coordinadora del Grupo de Investigación “Carlos Pujol, Literatura y Humanismo”, reconocido por la Agència de Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (2017 SGR 383)




