Humanist Correspondence in Vargasllosiano’s Essay Discourse with The Time of the Hero



Worldview, humanity, literature, novel, reader


This paper takes as reference the sociological ideology that is inferred from the essays of Mario Vargas Llosa. At the same time, that worldview that will be identified by the author will be explained and linked to The Time of the Hero. The objective of this confrontational work is to propose an epistemological organization based on the perception of the Peruvian writer and to appreciate how it is corroborated in one of his novels. For this, I have systematized the themes that the narrator reoccurs in extrapolating in his speech, which are related to the conception of Literature and human nature. These topics will be important for the reader to make a judgment about reality.

Author Biography

Jesús Miguel Delgado del Aguila, CONCYTEC. Lima – Perú. Pesquisador. CONACYT. San Salvador - El Salvador.

Soy licenciado y doctorando en Literatura Peruana y Latinoamericana por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Perú)




