But and if it didn’t dawn?

Essay about familiarity and strangeness


  • Antonio Gutiérrez-Pozo Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Filosofía. Sevilla – España.


Philosophy, Familiarity, Strangeness, Concept, Art, Imagination


In this article we intend to present in a literary and philosophical way, first, the relationships that defines the essence of human life and connects the strange with the familiar and, at the same time, the imagination and art with the concept and philosophy. The human being can only live healthily when he feeds on the cordial war between these powers. It is part of human nature to seek home security, but in a world disenchanted and standardized by calculation, we need the unverisimilitude. Although in principle philosophy is more prosaic and poetry romanticizes world, the second objective of this work is to show that philosophy, in a more genuine sense, arises from the synthesis between these two human tendencies, the will to familiarity and strangeness. For this reason, philosophy can -and must- both comfort and disturb the human spirit.




