The didactic-educational work of the Curupira myth

some appreciations


  • Gracineia dos Santos Araújo Universidad Federal de Pará (UFPA) – Facultad de Letras. Castanhal – PA – Brasil


Curupira, Didactics, Environmental education, Forest defence


In this paper we intend to carry out a brief reflection on the didactic-- educational work that the Curupira myth exercises in the daily life of the people of the countryside, of the waters and of the forests, with regard to the protection and defence of our forests, and all that this entails. Hence, we try to teach that nature has its own laws that can even be more efficient than ours, since these are often flouted rather than complied with (COLOMBRES, 2016). Curupira, as a good protector of the fauna and flora, guardian of the forests, tutelary genius of the jungle, father or mother of the jungle, is a symbol of the preservation of natural resources and thus contributes to the ecological balance and the preservation of life on the planet.




