Findings [achamentos] in the “Letter” of Caminha and the portuguese view of Brazilian women
Caminha’s “Letter”, Woman, Female body, Sexuality, Relations of power, DiscoveriesAbstract
The focus of this study is an approach from the sociocultural and literary-historical point of view of the “Carta de Achamento do Brasil”, written by Pero Vaz de Caminha to King D. Manuel I of Portugal. In addition to highlighting the first impressions of the Portuguese with the new place and its inhabitants, the present paper also explores the intentions of the Crown over the territory and the power dynamics announcing the exploratory intention of Brazil, confirmed by the subsequent colonization. Investigating the view of the “Other” and the discourse of Caminha around the views constructed about the female body, this paper addresses the impressions on women, nudity, the reading of the body, and its imbrications in sexuality. The authors, finally, aim to reflect on how the “Letter” may offer elements for understanding the image of Brazilian woman in the male imaginary of the Portuguese.
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