Postproduction and sampler in two radicants Works
Parque de ruinas (Marília Garcia) and Reconstruccions of Liliana Porter
Poetry, postproduction, radicant, literatura, artAbstract
Nowadays it is posible to find artworks that are built from the recycling of elements and/or yuxtaposition of them, so that the activity of the contemporary artista would be oriented under the notion of Postproduction (Bourriaud) and the assembly, offering a new experience around the notion of authory in which we notice a work of sampler. The following article aims to read two radicant Works- the poetry book Parque de ruinas (Marília Garcia) and the Recontructions series by Liliana Porter- from the work of Postproduction of diverse elements and sampling as a form of articulation and elaboration of the subjectivity of their authors.
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