The Devaluation and Overcoming of the Body in the Technocratic Era
Diagnoses and Alternatives from the Work of Günther Anders
Anders, body, technique, technology, image, historyAbstract
Günther Anders has analyzed the technocratic structure of contemporary society using concepts such as Promethean shame in the face of machines, the phantom world as a substitute for reality, and technology as the subject of history. In response to this diagnosis, the present research investigates the repercussions that the empire of machines, considered ontologically and axiologically superior to humans, has on the understanding of the individual’s body, according to Anders’ work. The results of this study show a profound devaluation and nullification of the body in this era dominated by innovation and technological expansion. However, within the philosopher’s own proposals, alternative paths can be found for a positive reclaiming of the body and for the restart of its historicity based on a new moral imperative specific to the technical era.
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