The presence of the feverish in “Ode Triunfal” and “Ode ao burguês”
Álvaro de Campos, Mário de Andrade, Modernism,Abstract
This essay aims at a comparative study of the poetics of Álvaro de Campos and Mário de Andrade, as seen in their poems “Ode Triunfal” and “Ode ao burguês”, in order to offer another possibility to read a poetic material already extensively analysed in the scholarly critical literature. The sign of the feverish was considered as a tool for the verification of such exalted voices of poetry in order to disclose the significant procedures in the aesthetic and expressive fields of a markedly literary cultural moment: Modernism. The force of avant-gardes is tracked, together with the matrix power of the essentially Dionysian literary movement related to considerations of Nietzsche and Euripides, and the relations between Portugal and Brazil during this period are also addressed so as to foster the comparative perspective of the aforementioned poets.Downloads
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