“Between the clock na the map”: Cecília Meireles’ trip in Spain


  • Ilca Vieira de Oliveira Unimontes – Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros. Departamento de Comunicação e Letras. Montes Claros, MG – Brasil.


Trips, Images of Spain, Brazilian poetry, Cecilia Meireles,


The verses “Por fluidos países passeio/com o passo da lua nas nuvens/ flutuante e longe” taken from the book Sonhos (Dreams) (1950- 1963), by Cecilia Meireles (2001c), lead us to reflect on the theme ‘trips’ in the poems “Três canções da Espanha” (Three songs of Spain) and “Pastoral VII”, from Poemas de viagens (poems of trips) (MEIRELES, 2001a) and the chronic “Entre o relógio e o mapa” (Between the clock and the map) (MEIRELES, 1999b) and “Castilla la biennombrada” ” (MEIRELES, 1999a) and “Quando o turista transforma em viajante” (When the tourist becomes a traveler) ” (MEIRELES, 1999c) from Crônicas de viagens, 2 (Chronicles of trips, 2), watching the way the traveler’s image is constructed from a conception of time and space. In this study there will also be a reading of the cities’ images and places that the traveler poet recreatesfrom the moment she strolls in Spain in her real and imaginary trips. This study will be conducted based on thetheoretical propositions presented in the text Teoria da viagem (Theory of trip): geographic poem, by Michel Onfray (2009).




