Literature and the Other Arts, Nowdays: Pop Art, and Contemporary Brazilian Poetry


  • Solange Ribeiro de Oliveira UFMG – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais/Belo Horizonte - MG


Literatura e as outras artes, Iconotexto, Felipe Fortuna, Literature and the Other Arts, Iconotext, Felipe Fortuna.


The text explores the interface between literature and the visual arts, particularly between contemporary poetry and pop art. Starting out from contemporary North-American poetry, the paper concentrates on the creation of the Brazilian poet Felipe Fortuna. In the line of Liliane Louvel´s intermedial analysis, Fortuna’s “Poemas para a aula de ginástica “(“Poems for classes in the gym”) are analyzed as iconotexts, saturated with pictorial impregnations, suggestive of dominant aspects of contemporary culture. Keywords: Literature and the Other Arts. Iconotext. Felipe Fortuna.


