Dialogues between fictional sartrean works and contemporary fantastic tales:

existentialism reflected in the fantastic


  • Lidiane Cristine de Lima Ferreira UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista. Faculdade de Ciências e Letras – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Literários. Araraquara – SP – Brasil. 
  • Guacira Marcondes Machado Leite UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista. Faculdade de Ciências e Letras - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Literários. Araraquara – SP – Brasil.


Sartre, Murilo Rubião, Fantastic, Existentialism, Tales


More than a philosopher who marked the 20th century with his theories, the Frenchman Jean-Paul Sartre is also often remembered as an accomplished fiction writer. Among his masterpieces are a novel in the form of a diary written in 1938, A Náusea, and the 1944 play Entre Quatro Paredes. Both are rich expressions of Sartrean existentialism in a fictional format and, therefore, objects chosen for this study. In this article, we propose a dialogue between, on the one side, the Sartrean existential perceptions observed in his fiction and, on the other side, works from the 19th and 20th centuries that propose meta-empirical issues pertinent to human existential questioning and our condition in the world.

Author Biography

Lidiane Cristine de Lima Ferreira, UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista. Faculdade de Ciências e Letras – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Literários. Araraquara – SP – Brasil. 

Doutoranda em Estudos Literários. 




