Aminata Sow Fall
the relationship between maternal language and the language of literary expression in her novel Douceurs du bercail (1998)
Douceurs du bercail, Aminata Sow Fall, Senegalese literature, Francophone literature, WolofAbstract
This article aims to analyze the relationship between the French language and the language of African origin, Wolof, present in the novel Douceurs du bercail (1998), by the Senegalese writer Aminata Sow Fall. In order to do so, first, we will discuss some implications of the concept of francophone literature, of which Fall’s novel is part (COMBE, 2010; MOURA, 2019). Then, we will present an overview of the plurilingual linguistic situation in Senegal, showing the coexistence of different languages in Senegalese society (CISSE, 2005). Finally, we will present Fall’s work within this linguistic context. With the analysis, we seek to understand how the words in Wolof are important for the construction and deeper understanding of the work, and how they carry the social universe of the author (BOCANDE, 20005; CALÍ, 2017; COMBE, 2010; DIA, 2016; FEUTREL, 2019).
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