Pascal Quignard's hybrid writting in Les ombres errantes
Literatura contemporânea, Literatura francesa, Narrativa híbrida, Pascal QuignardAbstract
Some of the works of Pascal Quignard, considered unclassifi able by the French literary criticism, break free from gender imposition to place themselves in the borders of prose, poetry, novel, narrative, essay, and music, to form hybrid narratives that privilege the fragmented and the unfi nished. Thus, Pascal Quignard’s Les ombres errantes (2002), presents many fragments, made of by little notes, personal confi dences, anecdotes, comments about art, politics, economy, etc., that are a bridge between the past and the present through a poetic voice, in order to rescue the shadows that cultural tradition relegated. In Les ombres errantes, prose and the poetry mix in a hybring, where the story and the imagination intersected in a fragmented text. Keywords: Contemporary literature. French literature. Hybrid narrative. Pascal Quignard.Downloads
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