Victor Hugo by Alexandre Dumas


  • Maria Lúcia Dias Mendes UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo. EFLCH,– Escola de Filosofi a, Letras e Ciências Humanas. Área de Língua e Literatura Francesa. Guarulhos – SP – Brasil. 07252-312


Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Romantismo, Escritas do eu,


Alexandre Dumas and Victor Hugo through fights and reconciliations formed a complex friendship which lasted for twenty years. In his book Mes memoires, Dumas leaves an important testimony of this friendship by writing the first biography of Victor Hugo. The purpose of this essay is to compare the trajectory of these two writers, outline the image of Hugo and understand the traces of Dumas’s personality which are subtly presented in this book. Keywords: Victor Hugo. Alexandre Dumas. Romantism. Writing the self.


