The feminist literary criticism and the feminine literary criticism: the case of Marguerite Duras
Feminine literature, Marguerite Duras, Fiction,Abstract
This paper approaches matters related to the literature written by women in the scenario of world literature, and shows it as peripheral, which remains out of the universities and the circles of literary criticism. From the middle of twentieth century, in the USA, the radical feminism appears in the literary field, as a new proposal of literary criticism, supported by the cultural anthropology and the social history. In France, in thesame way, a criticism that does not intend to be feminist arises in 1973, but it is basedon Lacan’s psychoanalysis, for which the specificity of women’s literature is the languageitself. The work of Marguerite Duras, for many characterized by silence, lack, can benefitfrom this analysis of the French line.Downloads
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