The chronicle of modernist writers meets Proust: Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira


  • Alexandre Bebiano de Almeida USP – Universidade de São Paulo – Faculdade de Filosofia Letras e Ciências Humanas. São Paulo – SP – Brasil.


Proust, Critical reception, Chronicle, Mário de Andrade, Manuel Bandeira,


This article discusses the critical reception of Proust in Brazil. This reception has occurred mainly through newspapers in the form of articles and chronicles written by critics and writers. The critical success of Proust’s novel in Brazil was decided almost entirely in newspapers at least until the 60’s, How the chroniclers will address such a monumental novel? What are the consequences of this for the Brazilian critical fortune? To give an example of the singularities accompanying the reception of Proust in Brazil, we analyse some chronicles written by two authors of Brazilian modernism: Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira.


