Political-institutional transformations of the Latin American States in the 1990s: a debate on political encouraging institutions


  • Gabriel Henrique Burnatelli de Antonio IFSP – Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo. Campus Avançado de Tupã. Tupã – SP – Brasil.
  • Ivan Ervolino SIGALei. São Carlos – SP – Brasil. 13560-042.


Democratic theory, ILO, Latin America,


This article looks at some of the transformations in the institutional instruments of the contemporary political life. Having as a theorical contribution the analyzes of Ulrich Beck about the symbolic constitution of the politics in the current process of reflexive modernization, it is sought to take stock of the current crisis in the political and institutional strategies of social development drawn in the twentieth century and its developments among the Latin states in recent decades. The case study that illustrates the scenario described above is the relationship between the Latin American States and the International Labor Organization (ILO), wich is characterized by encouraging in these countries the formation of an agenda between established and new actors in politics, having as a mechanism of entry the Conventions that deal with labor relations related to Human Rights. There is a significant change in the nature of political processes related to the organization of the capitalist mode of production, the sphere of labor and citizenship, since, as illustrated by the institutional insertion of the ILO in the Latin American political arena, the state has placed certain demands out of its structures.




