Colonial legacies in the formation of the States of Latin American space


  • Oscar Simmonds Pachón PUJ – Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales. Cra 7 N. 40-62, Bogotá – D. C. – Colombia.


Colonialism, Regionalization, State, Coloniality,


This article gives an analysis of how certain colonial elements, such as the European discourse of the XVIII and XIX centuries, in relation to the geopolitical identity of the colonized territories, the transfer of colonial political and social power patterns to the new States and the distrust implicit in the relations that existed between the Spanish and the Portuguese colonies, they could to affect, structurally, the configuration of the South American States and the processes of conformation of regional structures. The thesis that is tried to sustain is that those colonial elements, among others, have played against the advance of the formation of the processes of regionalization in South America.





Dossiê: América do Sul em Perspectiva