A brief analysis of Jair Bolsonaro’s proposals for Brazilian foreign policy


  • Rodrigo Duarte Fernandes dos Passos UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências de Marília. Departamento de Ciências Políticas e Econômicas. Marília – SP – Brasil. 17.525-900.
  • Diana Patricia Ferreira de Santana IFPR – Instituto Federal do Paraná. Campus de Ivaiporã. Ivaiporã – PR – Brasil. 86870-000.


Brazilian foreign policy, Bolsonaro government, US hegemony, US imperialism,


How is it possible to make a short and preliminary evaluation of Jair Bolsonaro’s proposals for Brazilian foreign policy? Answering briefly to such an issue is the purpose of this text. Toward this, the following sequence will be observed in the line of argument of this analysis: first, a very brief retrospective of Brazilian foreign policy, its changing elements in the Temer government; then a brief analysis of Bolsonaro’s foreign policy proposals; and, finally, the final considerations will point to short conclusions. The general preliminary hypothesis to be presented is the direction of the dominant national sectors in relation to the new government’s foreign policy toward US imperialism and hegemony.

