The illusion of democracy in historical capitalism


  • Rosângela de Lima Vieira UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências de Marília. Departamento de Ciências Políticas e Econômicas. Marília – SP – Brasil. 17.525-900.


Democracy, Capitalism, PEWS,


This essay, which dialogues with I. Wallerstein and G. Arrighi, theorists of the Political Economy of the World-System, has as an objective to reflect about the historical democracy. This means, observe democracy on how it is undertaken in modernity, concerning the center of the capitalist world-economy and its intersections with Brazil. Democracy and Capitalism are concepts often thought to be inseparables, but under a deeper examination, by PEWS, it is indicated that this association is improper, since social disparity, inherent to the capitalist society, prevents the full realization of democracy. That is why we use “illusion”. On the other hand, with this contradiction in mind, it may seem that a search for another social-political organization should be sought. But the perception is that, in a systemic analysis, the alternative is to fight for more democracy, not only a liberal representative democracy but to fight for a democracy that goes beyond capitalism, founded under freedom and the effective equality of social, political and economy rights.

