Multiculturalism and identity: dilemma and perspective in the Pemviam case


  • Urpi Montoya Uriarte


Multiculturalismo, identidade, dualismo, racismo, heterogeneidade cultural


This article shows and discusses a number of different identities constructed in contemporary Peru. Its main purpose is discover how multiculturalism - evidenciated in the cultural practices of interaction in the everyday life - is present or absent in these representations. According to univoques identities, I will propose some of the reasons that are in the base of the large Peruvian's difficulty to assumpt their cultural heterogeneity. In the other hand, I will try to understand why some young identities, especially in Lima, are accepting the cultural differences as complementaries. In this sense, I would like to put certain questions about the road to be constructed in order to find a one best multicultural life in Peru.





América Latina