For a general science of social complexity


  • Edgard de Assis Carvalho


Teoria da complexidade, transdisciplinaridade, sociedade do conhecimento


This work, inspired by the Edgard Morin's theoretical analysis, shapes as a fundamental idea the one which points out the university loss of contemporaneity as it's own incapacity to construct unitary and universal knowledge that may face the uncertainty and stimulate new patterns of humanity's comprehension. By this path, it contends those analysis that define the meaning of the future, confining it, to the technological development, to the man's capacity to dominate nature and to the demiurgic action of the state. This work also sustains the need to transcend the anthropocentric reference, claiming to the social scientists the engagement to overcome the politics of fragmentation and specialization which have been the mainstream.





Dossier: Science and Politics