How the Brazilian sociologist must pratice his art: the chairs of sociologist at USP between 1954 and 1969


  • Carolina Pulici


Sociologia, Intelectuais, Academia, São Paulo, Sociology, Intellectuals, Academy, Brazil


This text aims to characterize the academic practices and intellectual preferences unequally influent on the Sociology institutionalized at the University of São Paulo between 1954 and 1969. Under the cathedra system, those distinct orientations have embodied in the teaching and researching activities developed by the two groups dedicated to the production and transmission of the sociological knowledge at USP: the Chair of Sociology I and the Chair of Sociology II. Following a contrasting perspective, we examined the pronunciations on which the two groups took positions concerning what they considered to be intellectual excellence in the area of Sociology, as well as the academic patterns that gave life to those declared filiations. Finally, we’ve analyzed these dissonant conceptions of “how the Brazilian sociologist must practice his art” vis-à-vis the social context in which they were inserted.



Sociologia política e institucionalização das ciências sociais