FICTIONAL TIME AND NARRATIVE IN THE <i>O ALIENISTA</i>: some considerations in comparative perspective
<i>O Alienista</i>, Machado de Assis, Fábio Moon, narrative time, Patrick CharaudeauAbstract
Aware of the relation of the narrative time with the subject of enunciation, this study analyzes the mechanisms of fictional time a comparative analysis of Machado's work O Alienista with the adaptation in Graphic Novel, by Fabio Moon and Gabriel Bá. This approach to the fictional text portion of a bias of language studies in an attempt to build an argument on the multiple subjects in the narrative, and to be linked in the theories of Scott McCloud (1995) on aspects of time reading comics. This work integrates research Encontro de Gerações: O Tempo Narrativo n’O Alienista (PIBIC / CNPq, 2009-2010)Downloads
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