Literature and circulation of affects: promises of happiness, illusion and helplessness in The House In The Woods, by Bernhard Schlink

promessas de felicidade, ilusão e desamparo em A casa na floresta, de Bernhard Schlink



Bernhard Schlink, affective relationships, contemporaneity, gender social pressures


The work seeks to reflect, based on a work by Bernhard Schlink, on important aspects of the organization of society, as well as on its dramas, memories and daily challenges in contemporary times. Thus, the study of The house in the forest short novel makes it possible to think about the transformations and dilemmas of society, given the transformations in intimacy and affections, in a world marked by the ephemeral nature of human relationships and the pursuit of happiness as a social obligation, problematizing certain aspects of contemporary life that tend to be naturalized. The (mis)meetings between men and women, in their marital relationships, as well as in dreams, ideals and fears, bring the paradoxes of the couple’s search for happiness, gender equality and personal fulfillment, confronted with the prejudices of each person. The social meanings of “tamed” nature, facing a predominantly urban capitalist world, the life in common, and of each individual that makes up a couple, as well as the education of children are some of the themes addressed with lightness and depth in this work by Schlink, which brings several elements to think about the challenges of contemporaneity.

Author Biographies

César Martins de Souza, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguagens e Saberes da Amazônia. Bragança – Pará – Brasil.

Doutor em História pela Universidade Federal Fluminense. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguagens e Saberes da Amazônia e do Campus de Bragança, ambos da UFPA. Investigador Externo do Centro de Estudios de la Argentina Rural/Universidad de Quilmes-Argentina. Editor-Chefe da Nova Revista Amazônica/UFPA.

Raquel da Silva Lopes, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Altamira – Pará – Brasil.

Licenciada em Letras/Português (UFPA), Mestre em Letras/Linguística (UFPA) e Doutora em Ciências Sociais/Antropologia (UFPA-PARIS XIII). É professora do Curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo, da Universidade Federal do Pará/Campus de Altamira, onde atua nas áreas de linguística, ensino de línguas, metodologias de ensino e educação diferenciada.




