The empire of the civilization-savagism thopic in two novels by Lautaro Yankas
Civilization, Savagism, Mapuche, Lautaro YankasAbstract
Our paper intends to recognize the presence of the thopic civilizationsavagism in two books dealing with the mapuche people from the Araucanía region in Chili. Before reaching that goal we are constructing a theoretical approach to its two nouns as well as making references to context issues. The effect of the thopic in history became essentially rewarding for some people, the europeans, but evidently devastating for others, specially the native americans and the africans. The thopic´s verbal components are extremely simple: Civilization Noun + Savagism Noun = Topic C –S. Soon became a powerful enunciation that imposed itself by the action of its followers in large are as upon the earth during the XIX and XX centuries. The books where we show its presence are the novels Flor Lumao and El vado de la noche by Lautaro Yankas (1932 and 1954 respectively).
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