The book of the city of ladies
a utopian poetic narrative
Christine de Pisan, Feminism, Utopia, Middle AgeAbstract
The Book of the City of Ladies was published in 1405 by the Italian-French author Christine de Pisan, born in 1364 at Venice. She moved to Paris with her parents in 1368, to the court of Charles V, king of France where she was educated by her father and the maternal grand father in order to have continuous studies and increase her knowledges. In some way her life wil be mixed up with her writings as far as the mysogynists coercions, injustices and attacks that she certainly suffered in the patriarchal society where she lived, are reflected in her extensive literary works. She has fought incessantly to defend a different society for women, a utopian world as it was projected in the Book of the City of Ladies.
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