Baudelaire's poems in Le Clezio's novel: from intertextuality to interculturalism
Literatura francesa, Romance, Poema, Intertextualidade, InterculturalismoAbstract
Intertextuality is a current procedure in the works of Le Clézio, specifi cally in his La Quarantaine (1995), in which can be found effectively the presence of other literary works, whether they are poems, holy texts, fi ctions or scientifi c works . Beside these insertions taken from the Western written literature, it can be found, in this novel, texts that come from different cultures, written traditions as well as from oral tradition. Among these multiple intertextual references, we select those Baudelaire’s poems that keep a kind of dialogue with Le Clézio text through a thematic correspondence with his novel, while at the same time the poems show the typical poetic style of the writer’s work. Keywords: French literature. Novel. Poem. Intertextuality. Interculturalism.Downloads
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