Violence - Emergence: a scenario of confrontation


  • Flávia Schilling


Violência, Democracia, Foucault, Crime, Violence, Democracy


The violence issue emerges as a main social problem in Brazil and in many countries of America and Europe, especially from 1980. It is necessary to observe that this emergence is related to corruption. Both of them are seen as “problems”, theme of public policies, heated debates, delineating sides which express different points of view about our common life possibilities. The emergence of violence (or corruption) as a social problem show a disposition to confrontation. Who fights and what are being disputed? What are the powers configurations that frame this confront? It seems to have a well delimited territory: the urban suburbs. It seems to have a central target: poor youth, second or first generation of immigrants. It points to a dispute between social controls models, in societies in change.



Violência e estado punitivo