In defense of sociology
Against the myth that sociologists are charlatans, justify criminals and distort reality
Teaching, Sociology, Society, SubjectAbstract
In the current context, of targeted attacks on the education system even from the then president of the republic, especially in the humanities, the debate about the relevance of sociology becomes relevant. In Brazil, the removal of the compulsory teaching of sociology in high school, added to the dismantling of higher education, creates a disturbing scenario, which puts the teaching of sociology in check and even belittles it and diminishes it with fallacies and false speeches before society. With this, it is of great importance that clarifications and acknowledgments in defense of sociology, and even a self-assessment of the researchers themselves, materialize to try to reverse this scenario, to explore this theme, the work En Defesa de la Sociología: contra el mito de que los sociólogos son unos charlatanes, justifican a los delincuentes y distorssionan la realidad will be analyzed, seeking in this work elucidations and possibilities for the development of this stony path.
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