Thems and problems in research projects


  • Alvaro Bianchi UMESP - Universidade Metodista de São Paulo/São Bernardo do Campo - SP


Methodology of research, Scientific research, Scientific problems,


The starting point of the scientific activity is the puzzle and admiration in face of the unknown, which, certainly, will challenge the scientific imagination, leading the researcher in the choice of a certain theme. Relevance for the real world and contribution for a specific field of knowledge are the basic criteria for the thematic definition used here. For the scientist, the theme of the research is the base to formulate relevant research problems able to fill in the gaps of our knowledge. Such problems must be built in such a way that is solutions will not only clarify some aspects of the theme that remained not explained but also provide a path for new questions, i.e., for new scientifc researches to come. As there is a growing demand of under-graduate monographs for the conclusion of the courses, this papaer tries to be a guide for the definition of themes and for the organization of a research in Social Sciences. In order to achieve this goal there will be the reconstruction of The power elite by Wright Mills.


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How to Cite

BIANCHI, A. Thems and problems in research projects. Estudos de Sociologia, Araraquara, v. 7, n. 13, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


