Between claiming treatment and refusal to incorporate medication into SUS
An analysis on social reality of ADHD in contemporary society
ADHD, Methylphenidate, Health technologies, Biopolitics, Neoliberal rationalityAbstract
The Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a clinical and psychiatric category about which debates are intensifying, based on the medicalization of life as well as the demand for access to treatment and the demand for dispensing methylphenidate and lisdexamphetamine in the Unified Health System (SUS). The objective of this article is to present these debates and to analyze the recommendation report of the National Commission for Incorporation of Technologies in SUS. We highlight the disagreement between public opinion and the result of the report, which is negative to the incorporation of ADHD drug treatment. Such disagreement indicates the social reality of ADHD as a basis for claiming individual and social rights, even if there is not enough scientific evidence about the efficacy of drug treatment. This occurs according to a neoliberal rationality, in which the conduct of life in society is governed by extreme competition and performance, and by the accountability of individuals, regardless of the objective and subjective conditions of their existence.
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