Políticas de combate à pandemia da Covid 19, democracia sanitária e direito à saúde
This dossier is based on the discussion of policies to combat the Covid-19 pandemic in different countries, using principles of health democracy and the right to health as normative references. We seek to explore various facets of the Brazilian response to Covid-19, especially those connected to democracy, science, and the principles of the Unified Health System (SUS), in order to investigate in more depth the lessons that can be learned from that moment of emergency. Although much has been written about Covid, especially in the heat of the moment of the health crisis, we believe that there is still much reflection to be done about how Brazil faced the greatest health crisis of the 21st century: how can we understand the successes and failures in confronting Covid? How should we prepare for the next emergencies, which will certainly come? To what extent can the pillars of the SUS and its participatory and democratic tradition provide us with solutions to crises like these, and how can we protect this legacy?
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