Who says so, who says no: religiosity and heresy
Imagination, Dogma, Asymmetry, Fear, Church,Abstract
Imagination and enthroned religion are antithetical. Dogma, as the core of monotheist religions, is not more than a methodical and diligent denial to the curiosity, autonomy and inventiveness. It is a asymmetrical relation between the one who ignores, fears and begs, and the Other who knows all and disregards everything which lies in the power of the churches.Downloads
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How to Cite
FIORILLO, M. P. Who says so, who says no: religiosity and heresy. Estudos de Sociologia, Araraquara, v. 18, n. 34, 2013. Disponível em: https://periodicos.fclar.unesp.br/estudos/article/view/5975. Acesso em: 23 nov. 2024.
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