The oboe sound: the role of the public ministry upon the environment conflict field
Public ministry, Environmental justice, Environmental conflicts,Abstract
We have brought the metaphor of the oboe to explicit what it is expected from the Public Ministry action on the litigation involving environmental conflicts. As there is not a concert executed by only one instrument, the experience enounces that, even being an important actor in the environmental conflict field, the success of the ministerial action is immediately linked to the quality of the established relation with people from where it is oriented their defense. The analysis of the Public Ministry different actions, in view of the mining advancements in the Serra da Piedade and the damage caused by the eucalyptus reforestation activities in the Lagoas de Cordisburgo, both in the State of Minas Gerais, shows that the interaction and articulation established between and by the stakeholders are aspects that cannot be disregarded along the justice for the environment fight.
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