Diaspora survivors: the “Brazilians of Benim”, in “Um defeito de cor”, by Ana Maria Gonçalves
Culture, Diaspora, Imaginary, Return, Transculturation,Abstract
Survivors of the diaspora, people of West Africa return to their country of origin. However, upon landing, they fail to recognize the country built in their imagination during the period of slavery. Faced with this strangeness, they use the culture acquired in Brazil to create a new community. Thus, the “Brazilians of Benim” community is born in Africa. This is one of the themes contemplated in the novel Um defeito de cor (2011), by Ana Maria Gonçalves. Analyzing this work in the light of the concepts mentioned by Homi Bhabha, Stuart Hall, Linda Hutcheon among others, is the objective of this work.Downloads
Brazilian Black Literature
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